
Navigating through the final days with your declining senior pet or a pet that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness is one of the most difficult experiences a pet parent goes through. During these painful times, it is most important to focus on making their last days calm and loving with as little discomfort as possible.
Pet hospice is an option when you have exhausted all treatment alternatives and a cure is not possible. The goal at this stage is to make your pet’s final days more pleasant through the use of pain medication, dietary strategies, and human love and attention. We will work with you to help you provide the home care needed to keep your pet as comfortable as possible. If you decide to provide hospice care at home, you will become your pet’s constant primary caregiver and will be the link between your pet and the veterinary team. When considering hospice care, pet parents should be careful not to prolong the suffering of pets who are in pain or experiencing poor quality of life.
King George Veterinary Clinic will only provide euthanasia services for pets who have been evaluated and who have been determined to be suffering, have a poor quality of life, and/or are in the end stages of life. Euthanasia provides a painless, humane, and gentle death that puts an end to their suffering. Our veterinarian’s method for euthanasia is equivalent to undergoing general anesthesia for a surgical procedure and takes only a matter of seconds. Your pet will experience no pain and will have no awareness of the end of life.
Our veterinarians will advise you on when the time is right to euthanize. Before you go through one more day of agonizing over your decision, please contact us about an evaluation of your pet’s condition.