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Whether you have a brand new puppy or kitten that needs full vaccinations, or an older established patient who is on a maintenance schedule, King George Veterinary Clinic recommends an annual visit to your veterinarian.

Puppies and Kittens

Because their immune systems are not fully developed, young puppies are susceptible to common diseases and viruses. Until your puppy is completely vaccinated (about 20 weeks of age), it is best to limit exposure to other dogs and places where dogs frequent such as parks, pet stores, and playgrounds.

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are both viral diseases that weaken a kitten/cat’s immune system. At King George Veterinary Clinic, we recommend testing your new kitten or cat for these viruses to ensure that he or she is healthy. Until your kitten is completely vaccinated (about 16 weeks of age), it is best to limit exposure to other cats (and their litter boxes) in your house.

Adult Dogs and Cats

Following the puppy and kitten stage, we recommend annual wellness visits or semi-annual wellness visits.

There are vaccinations and testing that we offer and recommend yearly for both canines and felines.

It is Virginia State Law that your pet must be up to date on a rabies vaccine at all times. This includes all dogs and cats over 4 months of age, even if they live indoors only.

Recommendations for canines yearly:

  • • DHPP (distemper/hepatitis/parainfluenza/parvovirus) vaccine
  • • Bordetella vaccine
  • • Lyme vaccine
  • • Lepto
  • • Heartworm/Lyme/Ehr/Anaplasmosis
  • • Fecal exam
  • • Wellness bloodwork
  • • Dental Evaluation

Recommendations for felines yearly:

  • • FVRCP (feline distemper) vaccine
  • • Feline Leukemia vaccine
  • • Fecal exam
  • • Wellness bloodwork